Saturday, August 20, 2011


So I decided to use Prezi to practice creating the assignment I gave for my RILS. First I went through the steps of the lesson plan and gathered my information. Then I went into Prezi and went through a few of the tutorials to see if I could learn to use any new features.

During this process I discovered that I could import slides from a power point or keynote speech and use them in the Prezi. I wanted to try this because a lot of my students know how to use power point and this may be a great way to segway into their comfort level of Prezi. So I created a power point.

I then went to Prezi to try and import my slides. It worked just as it should, so I thought.....I clicked import slides but noticed that it seemed to be running a little slow....but finally they popped up.

After that, nothing in Prezi would work. I would click and nothing would work. It kept talking several seconds to load and would not allow me to use any features. I tried not to panic and called my computer tech friend, he suggested that I reinstall Safari and update my Flashplayer.

Phew!!! It worked, and I was back in business!!!!!

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