Saturday, March 17, 2012

MAC Week 3 Leadership Post

I think my first choice of presentation venue that I would like to try and submit my work to would be ISTE. This is my number one choice because ISTE is focused on the use of technology in education. With the direction that education is going, and my school that I teach at is going, I would really love to be a part of a conference like this one. The experience alone and the information I'm sure I would get to see and hear would be absolutely priceless. The next place I would love to present my work would be AVID Summer Institute. I know this is not on the list, but my CBR project involved AVID students as my target audience. AVID strategies were involved, and we took so much to a new level with the use of technology, I would really love to share these things with other AVID teachers so that they could use all the amazing tools I learned about through this program, and share the information with them on a national level. People from all over the United States come to AVID Summer Institute, and one of the most loved aspects is idea sharing with other educators. I think the experience would be amazing.


  1. Kimberly,
    I think either choice would be an excellent one. I had never heard of AVID until coming to FULL Sail and listening to you talk about it. I think one of the best unseen outcomes of this program is the share-ability of everything we've learned. Especially when its something really exciting (like the Art of Possibility) I can't wait to tell everyone I work with about it. I'm looking forward to hearing your presentation this week. Good luck!

