Saturday, March 24, 2012

MAC Week 4 Response to Hunter's Blogtastic Blog

Original Post:

Week 4 Review of ‘The Art of Possibilities’

 'Benjamin is My Star Hero!'

Benjamin Zander, author of 'The Art of Possibilities,' is one of those rare individuals who truly ‘Cares’. Is must be a rare gene strand of DNA? He shows this care by placing his visiting students on the stage near his orchestra so they could experience the truest form of ‘passion’ and orchestral performance. These students had already sat for a few hours in previous meetings and now they were going to sit through a concert – they might fidget and be distracting, yet they knew Benjamin was giving them a gift of a lifetime and they were perfect. That takes intuition and a lot of trust. When do we ever go out on a limb like that in the aspect of trusting someone?

And then when Benjamin shares the story of Cora his 2nd chair violinist, he really opens up his soul. He shows us that he didn’t always have this ‘Pure Care.’ He once was, let’s say, in development. Cora changed his life for the better because she stood for something that mattered to her. He lost her in his orchestra and that is what caused a paradigm shift to create the Benjamin we know today. So what am I really saying? We all need to stand up right now, put our hand over our heart, and say, “Thank you Cora.”

My Response:


I love that we had the chance to experience this amazing piece of literature and were asked to blog about it. It is so interesting to read what others honed in on, which parts of the book hit them hard, and how they felt about the different stories. Cora's story was definitely awe inspiring. Wouldn't it be great if she was there for dinner when we go! Really love the photo that you put with this one =)

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