Saturday, March 17, 2012

MAC Week 3 Response to Stephanie Waldner's Blog

Original Post:

MAC Week 3: Reading Post

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Rule Number 6: Letting go and realizing that everything doesn't need to be so serious.  For me, this is the hardest thing to think about.  I immediately think of my many to do lists with school, family, kids' schedules...Then I think what if I didn't take everything so seriously?  Would everything fall apart?  I'm always told how I'm the one who has it together, and the one that everyone relies on.  So if I didn't take things as seriously would I still be that person?  My calculating self feels like the one in control most of the time and to answer the question; What would have to change for me to be completely fulfilled?  That is one that I think will need to be discovered on a quiet day when I can be by myself.
The other chapter that strikes home is The Way Things Are. One of my favorite phrases is Its All Good.  My husband has even told me that when he hears that phrase, he gets a sense of calm even at his most stressful situations.  Growing up, I always had anxiety issues.  My elementary guidance counselor was a great resource for me.  He taught me to look at what was in the "right now" not "what if."  That is still one of my most un-liked phrases---and is bared from my classroom!

My Response:

I used to be just like you with the taking everything so seriously all the time, and feeling freaked out at the thought of not stressing over things all the time. Will everything fall apart? Certainly not Stephanie, it will just take time for you to realize that things will be ok. I had to learn this lesson this year and certainly would have loved to have had this book before I made the decision to let go, it definitely would have helped with the transition. I really enjoy reading each others blogs, seems like every week I realize more and more things I have in common with you guys. Thank you for sharing =)

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