Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Comment for Hunter on Blogged on Phonics

Copyright Trifecta!

Ok, how do we measure up in the copyright world? When I think of copyrights, I think of honor and trust. I respect people and their creations, because I hope that others respect my original works. I have submitted hundreds of items to be copyrighted and have studied these laws for several years. Copyrights give a creator the ability to enforce or restrict others from using something that the creator has previously invented. I love when someone creates something novel – wow, that alone, is what life is about. Original thought instead of others’ thoughts intrigues me. I have sat in meetings and heard people who only spout lots and lots of other people’s ideas from books that they have read. They are impressive and quite amazing sometimes; however, they are not original ideas. I am thankful for those who have unique and solid opinions. I appreciate those who birth new concepts – patentable, trademarkable, and copyrightable! Wow, I crave a conversation with them. Talks like that cause an hour or two to go by and it only seems like ten minutes. I believe that we should help protect each other’s work. We should report infringement to help the authors of the world. Originally inspired authors are very rare and valuable. It bothers me to find out that hit, star writers sometimes only get about 1% of the income from their works. That is because entrepreneurs get involved and take the lion’s share of the income. I guess 1% is better than 0% if the project would not have been published for anyone to see, hear, or experience it. The truth is that I tend to hang out with the creators more than the business types. What would I be like if I reversed that? Wow, which one do you hang out with more?

I love the way your brain works, and how you stated the creators verses the business types! I would say that a lot of my friend circle tends to be the creators as well, however they may end up in the 0% area that you spoke of because a lot of times I don't see people with enough confidence in their ideas. Confidence to KNOW that something they came up with is worth sharing outside the realms of our school and their classroom. I too love primary sources of ideas and information, it is so extremely inspirational!
I also enjoyed how you compared copyright to honor and trust. When I read that, I though...exactly! I mean who doesn't love to give shout outs-which is the honor part-giving credit where credit is due. Trusting the world with your ideas deserve respect and honor for sure!!

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